Dizzying Heights

September 17, 2009

Panorama Instructions:

Hold down the left mouse button, keyboard arrows, or touchscreen then move to navigate in any direction.

Press the + key, mousewheel up, or pinch on touchscreen to zoom in and - key, mousewheel down, pinch to zoom out.

(Seoraksan, South Korea)
f/16 ▪ 3.2s ▪ 26@mm ▪ ISO50 ▪ Canon 17-40mm f4.0 ▪ Canon 5D
Panorama Peak Dae Chung Bong Jungchung Shelter - Seoraksan, South Korea - Daily Travel Photos
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This panorama was taken in the open area fronting the highest shelter in Seoraksan National Park (소락산). In the panorama, the peak to the left of the shelter (without the white spheres) is the highest point (대청봉) in the entire park at an under-appreciated 1709m. And the spheres or more accurately, geodesic domes, if I may? I don't know their function. I was too tired, hungry and stinky to risk expending more energy asking what seemed at the time, a useless question. A good guess is that it has to do with meteorology but my mind's buggy from staring at a computer screen all day that I wouldn't suggest believing me at the moment.

When I mention Seoraksan's similarity to Huangshan in China, I refer to the yellow craggy cliffs seen in the panorama. And much like Huangshan, these mountains are also generally shrouded by mist and clouds as can be seen in the area behind the shelter.

I'm burning the midnight oil right now trying to finish up a post that I started nearly 9 hours ago. The stitching part of the panorama was easy. It was the splicing of the ends (to ensure a smooth 360 degree view) and creating 6 equilinear squares that stumped me. Apparently for this flash to work, the stitched image must be divided into these squares which are then viewable in panorama form.

Technical details: 16 photos at same focal length, exposure and focus distance stitched together in Photoshop and ends spliced together using the offset filter of Photoshop.

Much respect and thanks given to Leanorama Panorama Viewer for providing an option-filled open source html5 panorama viewer!

Ed. Note - correction: I meant to say 6 Cubic projections from one Equilirectangular projection, not 6 equilinear squares.

seoraksan peak